Monday 27 May 2013

Dr.Commander Selvam Siddhar

This blog is to attarct all those people who are expecting some scandal or wrong things about His Holiness Dr.Commander Selvam Siddhar. Our Intention is to throw light on the true nature of Dr.Commander selvam siddhar and enlighten you all, about his true self.


Similarly, daily use products like soaps, detergents, toothpastes, powders, creams etc., are sold under different trademarks. But the sales of a select product is always spiraling with a particular trademark. It is not that the products with other trademarks are poor in quality, whereas more often than not, they are manufactured by the same company but marketed by different companies.  Hence, again, the secret of this success is the "name-number" compatibility of the trademark. For example, with trademark No. 8, if a man sells a product related to No. 6, he will face only losses in business. So each number represents its own product or trade and each person should select a business suitable to his own number. The name of the business or trademarks should be in a suitable "name-number" sequence and be compatible.

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